"The common denominator underlying most of the works featured in this exhibition is a concern with the grotesque body - an exaggerated, distorted and ridiculous body that exceeds its own limits, and whose different parts are incompatible with one another. At times it may take the form of a hybrid body composed of animals, objects and plants, while in other instances it appears as an exaggerated and distorted human body"
See more at: http://www.artiscontemporary.org/agenda_detail.php?id=360#sthash.12WvcS7C.dpuf
I also researched where the exhibit was and who they showed in the exhibition. Here is another link:
If you look through the images and artists, the grotesque theme is obvious but different at the same time. There is a wide range of creepiness, humor, satire, ridicule, and confusion.
I also researched where the exhibit was and who they showed in the exhibition. Here is another link:
If you look through the images and artists, the grotesque theme is obvious but different at the same time. There is a wide range of creepiness, humor, satire, ridicule, and confusion.
The first thing I thought when I read this article was dammit, I wish I found this article when I was doing my research for my paper. Second, I agree with the description of grotesque where it is about chaos and over stepping boundaries. Artists use their creativity as an outlet to question everyday life standards. For me, the grotesque allows me to be messy and confrontational things I am hesitant to be in other parts of my life.
Some of the artists I liked were:
Some of the artists I liked were: