Thursday, December 4, 2014

Claire Morgan- Froze Moments: Freaky, Funky Eco Art Installations

Along with researching the grotesqueand monsters, I have also been exploring installation work.  One artist that I found is Claire Morgan.  Morgan creates freeze frames that evoke life and death.  This is due to her materials, taxidermy animals and insects and decaying natural materials such as flowers and leaves.  Various animals are entwined in a geometric framework, engulfing a separate species.  The imagery is mesmerizing.  Her work shows how beautiful and fleeting the natural world is.  Maybe she is pointing out to the viewer that we should enjoy it.

I like her work because I enjoy the visual strength of numbers, something I want to explore in my work.  I feel that a large number of my monsters will help me get my concept across to the audience.

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