Friday, December 5, 2014

Gregor Gaida

Gregor Gaida is a polish artist that creates sculptures made from wood, aluminum, cement, and resin.  The Yatzer article describes the basis of his work comes from photographs he finds in magazines, books, and other media.  "The focus of his interest lies on composition and the protagonists’ pose in the images, as well as the openness in interpreting their actions. A special meaning lies in the gesture that indicates cultural, social or political discrepancies. Thus isolated, the images’ original message collapses and turns into a different, or many different, possibilities of association. The found footage is often no more than an impulse that is no longer discernible in the further development of the shape. In the end, the result remains a translation of reality, equivalent to his inner point of view."

The work in this particular article shows Gaida's interest in the figure paired with the narrative.  In comparison my work, though I haven't ventured into making anatomically correct figures, I enjoy the skill it takes.  Within my own work my monsters are distorted emotional bodies.  I use elements such as fingers and toes, recognizable parts but I combine them with animal characteristics.  For instance on his website, selected works from 2011 and 2014 such as the Polygonal Horse, as seen below, I register with that aesthetic, taking recognizable forms and abstracting or changing the form visually and aesthetically.

 Gregor Gaida 2008
200 x 180 x 195 cm
polyester resin, wood
prayed lacquer, iron

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