Thursday, December 4, 2014

Jason Briggs

Jason Brigs is a ceramic artist that creates strange visceral objects made from altered, thrown porcelain, a traditional and highly revered clay body.  On his website he describes his works as objects that stir the desire to touch.  He tries to create things that have never existed before, drawing visual references from the human form, and sexuality while abstracted the form and creating something new, foreign, and forbidden yet tactile and attractive.

I love his work, the way he has change the traditional sense of porcelain creating strange creature-esque forms.  His work gave me the idea of introducing hair, human hair into my work.  This addition makes his work appear to be actual flesh and kind of gross, because it sort of looks like pubic hair.

Here are some examples of his work and a link to his website:"Pearl"   Porcelain, hair, nail polish. 12 x 8 x 7   (Base: satin.)  2011.

"Pearl" Porcelain, hair, nail polish. 12 x 8 x 7   (Base: satin.)  2011.

"Angel"   Porcelain, hair, steel. 15 x 11 x 9   (Base: silk, panties.)  2011.

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